
Our Cleaning Services

Dustbunnyclean Cleaning Services does it all!

We approach all cleaning projects with an attention to detail and pride. Whether one-off or regular cleaning services you can trust Dustbunny Cleaning Services to clean professionally, efficiently and carefully.

  • Dustbunny Cleaning offers a range of cleaning services, including
    general cleaning, deep cleaning. Eventually more specialized services such as carpet cleaning, duct cleaning, window washing and more can be added. Customers are able to easily book these services through our website or mobile app (coming soon), which will allow them to select the type of cleaning they need, schedule a time and date, and choose a trained and vetted cleaner in their area.

Dustbunny cleaning app encourages all participants to create an ethical and ecological cleaning community by rewarding clients, suppliers and service providers for being upstanding members and participants

Call us for a free quote. 

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Which of These Cleaning Services
Do You Need?

We can tackle any type of cleaning for you – either for a one-off project or on a regular basis. Our team has a high attention to detail and will exceed your expectations.

If you have a mess – we can fix it!

For a once-off mess or regular cleaning,
find out how we can help